• Teckel blaffen

    Teaching your Dachshund to Bark Less

    Do you have a dachshund that loves to bark? The barking of a dachshund can be quite annoying, especially because of the high-pitched, sharp sound this little breed can make. Whether you have a kaninchen dachshund, a miniature dachshund, or a standard dachshund, they all bark. But luckily, the amount of barking can be reduced. …

  • waarom trillen teckels

    Why do dachshunds tremble?

    As a dachshund owner, it can sometimes be frightening to see your dog trembling. It is important to know that there can be various reasons for this, and it is not always a sign of a serious medical condition. In this article, we will discuss why dachshunds tremble, what symptoms may occur, and how you …

  • Beste buikdrager voor honden

    Our Experience with the Best Dog Carrier Sling

    A dog carrier sling is a type of bag or sling designed to carry small dogs or puppies close to the owner’s body. These carriers are similar to baby slings but are adapted for dogs. Dog carrier slings are handy for transporting dogs during walks, trips, or in situations where it is difficult or unsafe …

  • apoquel voor honden

    The Best Alternatives to Apoquel for Dogs

    Apoquel for dogs is a game-changer for some dog owners. It provides relief for dogs struggling with that annoying itch and allergies. In this blog, we will take a closer look at what Apoquel actually does, but we will also remain critical. We will examine alternative treatments so that you, as a dog owner, can …

  • Our experience with the probiotic supplements from DogSuppy

    In this article, we share our experience with DogSuppy products. Our dachshund has been using DogSuppy products for over a month now. We have two dachshunds, one of which (Sep) had developed significant issues with atopy. Our veterinarian recommended Apoquel. We then started looking for a natural alternative and found DogSuppy’s probiotic supplements. It has …

  • Teckel jas grijs

    A Dachshund coat – An absolute must in the winter

    Is a dachshund coat essential in the winter? When you have a dachshund, you will notice in the autumn that this breed gets cold quickly. Our dachshund, Sep, starts shivering and trembling regularly around October, when the temperature during the morning and evening walks is already quite cold. For us, this is the sign that …
