• Teckel blaffen

    Teaching your Dachshund to Bark Less

    Do you have a dachshund that loves to bark? The barking of a dachshund can be quite annoying, especially because of the high-pitched, sharp sound this little breed can make. Whether you have a kaninchen dachshund, a miniature dachshund, or a standard dachshund, they all bark. But luckily, the amount of barking can be reduced. …

  • Hond blaffen afleren bij deurbel

    The Ultimate Tip for When Your Dog Barks at the Doorbell

    Every dog owner knows the unbearable barking when the doorbell rings. We have two dachshunds and lived in a very noisy apartment before the summer of 2023. Every time the doorbell rang, we got stressed out, and so did our neighbors because of all the barking. We put in a lot of effort to train …
